Food, food, food!!! All about tipical brazilian food you will find here! So happy too write about this for you, guys! =)

Everybody knows that here in Brazil we have a loooot of good and special foods. Foods that you will only find here, for sure. So, being a good eater as I am, I chose some tipical things to eat that you must taste once you are here. Maybe you will need some trips to taste everything. Are you ready?

-Sanduíche de Mortadela
The most famous sandwich here in São Paulo is this one, and you will find the best one at the Mercado Municipal, in center of the city.

– Coxinha
Nothing more than some chicken without bones, envolved in some pasta and fried. Sometimes there is some creamy cheese called Catupiry inside, all together. The best you will find at Frangó, Bar do Veloso and Ofner.

– Feijoada
Super famous and super food to eat until explode. Black beans with some parts of the pork, and sausages. To serve together there is cabbage and farofa. Amazing. The best ones are the Feijoada da Lana and Restaurante do Bolinha.

– Baião de Dois
The food is amazing, because there are a lot of brazilian things all together. Rice, beans, pepper, onion, artesanal bacon, brazilian cheese called coalho, butter, etc. So good and a complete meal. The best one I tasted was from Mocotó.

– Churrasco
Something that all the brazilian people like to do. Put some meat on the grill and eat with the best friends or family, drinking brazilian beer. Find a good local friend and ask for this. Or go straight to Barbacoa, where you can eat a good churrasco too.

– Pão de Queijo
Cheese Bread. Just this. Soft inside and cracker outside. Wonderful and so brazilian. The fav ones are from Pão de Queijo Haddock Lobo and Casa do Pão de Queijo.

– Brigadeiro
My fav dessert ever is this one. Chocolate with “leite condensado” (a condensed milk so sweet, almost like caramel) and butter. This mix is from heaven. There is a lot of good “Brigadeirias” where you can find good ones, but my brigadeiro is the best one (hahaha).

– Açaí
Tipical brazilian fruit from north and so energetic. Don”t eat too much because there is a lot of calories inside it.

– Arroz com Feijão
The best ones are always home made, by mama. So, ask for that good local friend to eat his mama’s food one day. It will be perfect. So brazilian.

– Vatapá
This one is a cream made with fish and shrimp, cooked with peanut sauce. It is so tipical from Northeast of Brazil, so peculiar. You should taste.

– Misto Quente
Nothing more then cheese with ham, toasted on a grill with bread. The secret is to left the cheese get a little burned and warm up the bread on the grill together.

– Creme de Papaya with Cassis
It is a blend of papaya (a tropical fruit that we eat everyday during the breakfast) with vanilla ice cream, served with cassis sauce on top. Perfect and so fresh.

– Acarajé
Be careful to eat this. Can be so spicy, but when you ask for a normal one, it is already so strong to eat. But you should taste.

– Romeu e Julieta
The guava paste is a tipical sweet that you will find here everywhere. But to mixed it with white cheese is amazing. The taste of both things complete each other. Wonderful, so good.

– Pão na Chapa com Pingado
Just a french bread with butter grilled and toasted, with a cup of milk and coffee. Perfect to start a new day. A lot of brazilian people use two as breakfast.

– Quindim
It is a so fat dessert but so classic here. A lot of egg yolks, a lot of sugar and a ground of coconut flakes. It is a big flan of all this. You should try.

– Anything made by Mandioca
Tapióca, Dadinhos de Tapióca, Tucupi, Mandioca frita, chips de mandioca, etc. Anything made with mandioca is amazing to taste. This brazlian root is cheap and they created a lot of things with it, from flour until just fried them. Change the french fries.

– Pamonha
It is a candy made basically with corn and milk. It is wonderful to taste another version of corn, and so sweet. The best one you will find at Rancho da Pamonha, where they have decads of experience with this kind of candy.

– Farofa with Bacon
It is just a fried cassava flour, with somethings inside, that can be bacon (always there), eggs, onions, corn, etc. Try this with the Feijoada with white rice. Amaaaazing!

– Pizza brasileira
Completly different from the original pizza, from Italy. We can eat pizza during the lunch or during the dinner, with a good wine. The pasta and everything are differente. You should taste.

– Feijão Tropeiro
Beans sautée with bacon, eggs, cassava flour and scallions. Just this and all cooked together. Can be a little heavy on the stomach, but it is so fuc**ng good, try ot to eat the whole bowl.

– Catupiry e Requeijão
Two kind of different cheese where you can eat with a spoon. So creamy and so good, you can pass them on a bread, put on the pizza or with some pasta. Anything with them stay so good.

– Moqueca de Camarão
Shrimp cooked with coconut milk and palm oil. And a lot of vegetables to complete the art. Good served with with rice. Nice choice.

– Torresmo
It is like a piece of bacon, but it is not. It is better. It is a solf part of pork fried with the skin of the animal, but don’t be scared. This is amazing! You should try the best at Mocotó too (seems like you should try a lot of brazilian foods at Mocotó).

– Caju’s Juice and Caju Amigo (the alcoholic version)
Caju is a tropical and tipical fruit from north of Brazil. You can try the juice, but to have some fun, try the alcoholic version with sweet milk inside. It is wonderful.

– Tucunaré and Pirarucu (both fishes from brazilian water)
Ask for one of these fishes to taste. You will only find them in our waters. Once you are here, try with any combination.

At last, but not least important, eat all the fruits you can find only here. Try every single colorful fruit you find. They are all so good, fresh and full of vitamins.
Come to Brazilllll, people!!!!! <3

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